Started reading the manga because just, why the hell not? It's an awesome story, and since I watched the movie, why not the manga? So I'm not very far off yet, but I know the plot anyway, and I'm really enjoying it, even more that the movie. I really want to watch the second movie though :3 Because seriously on the first movie, people were being shot like 7 times and still they could walk 50m ... it only works on manga ok?? Not on movies! I'm really liking the manga, if you don't know it I recommend if you like dramatic and tragic stuff, with some love involved, hope, and the horror and psychological stuff that screws with your brain ^^ A whole class is stuck on an island and they're "forced" to kill each other for the sake of entertainment, would you 'play the game?'.. and YES, The Hunger Games are based on this.

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